This is a good piece from your point of view n I generally agreed!

Here are my thoughts...

Basically, we are all souls that harness both masculine n feminine energy! Our exterior is just a vessel to hold the soul. It is the imbalance of masculinity n femininity within that created the problem. Resentment arise when there is an absent of feminine qualities (love, compassion n empathy).

The lack of communication is the main issue in all aspect of our lives regardless what type of relationships we are in. The breakdown of communication in any relationship is the beginning of an end (as I can see very evidently in this post as well).

Communication runs both way, if one party isn't willing to reciprocate, no progress will happen. When we vibe in our true authentic self n others cannot accept, it is time to let go. Sometimes, people are out of our lives becos we are no longer aligned, either emotionally, mentally or spiritually!🙏😊

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Thanks for the nice comment. I definitely agree with that we all have both energies, though I would argue there is a strong tendency for women to be more feminine and men to be more masculine - whether that’s just due to biology or not doesn’t really matter.

Do you mean with balance it needs to be at 50/50? Cause I’d say there can be a balance even if it’s 99/1 - all that matters is our ability to make both dance in synergy.

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there is a strong tendency for women to be more feminine and men to be more masculine⬅️I would agree with this sentiment based on societal expectation.

Yes, I mean with a balance it needs to be approximately 50/50 if we are to put it on a scale. I don’t agree with 99/1 as being balance, else, how do you determine it is out of balance. Without the knowing of whether you are balance, how do you make it dance in synergy?

Eg. A woman can present herself as a masculine outwardly but still hold her femininity becos life has taught her time n again to show up in that way. Same goes with a woman who present herself as a feminine outwardly, doesn’t mean her masculinity is unnoticeable.

When both energy is balance, this is when they are the most attractive person who draws all the attention.

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For me it depends on where you are - I play with the energies. Sometimes I need to lower my feminine one - sometimes the masculine one.

When I’m with a women and I want to have strong sexual attraction it just doesn’t work with both of us being 50/50. The polarity is what creates the passion.

„Throughout the infinite, the forces are in perfect balance, and hence the energy of a single thought may determine the motion of a universe.“ - Nikola Tesla

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You gave a very good analogy which I agree! Though a relationship that last doesn't consist of only sexual attraction. But I understand where you are coming from.

The problem of many people is their flexibility! They either don't know how to balance or as you have described "play" with their energies resulted in creating a lot of blockages n obstacles in their relationships!

Some people think that being in a mono energy all the way in a relationships is how they should behave. 🤷‍♀️

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"We are interconnected beings and at war with each other. But we are not evil just stupid and we can fix it. And we should because we can´t live up to our highest version separated."

While I strongly relate to this statement, the majority of this article feels like a compulsive attempt to separate the conflicts of this world into conflicts between male and female and also to push the groups into boxes ... something that doesn't catch me but repels me.

WE are not evil and we are not stupid. We have been trained to be at war with each other by multiple means. I guess I would love this whole attemtp to clarify the situation much better if you just talk about human beings without further separation.

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Oh, but I truly believe we are stupid.


And I also believe the unsolved conflict between the masculine and feminine energies is the root cause for all other conflicts. There are distinctions between the two and there is also a tendency for genders to have more of one due to biology.

I don’t think it’s wise for me to talk about human beings without separation. When almost everywhere I look I see the separation played out. I just address what I see and will continue to do so.

Thanks for your comment.

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